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Master's Message
Winneconne #0186 about 2 months ago

Greetings Brethren,

As summer comes to a close we are looking ahead to fall & we have a lot happening this fall. September alone has 3 big events.

September 14th through September 22nd we are hosting our annual Winneconne Food & Fund Drive to benefit the WAAC (Winneconne Area Assistance Center, also known as the Winneconne Food Pantry). Once again Brother Jack Wirch has volunteered to organize & operate the Food & Fund Drive. Jack will need some assistance placing the donation boxes & cans just prior to the event & will need a lot of help picking up the donation cans & boxes just following the event. Please keep in mind that Jack is looking for someone to take over as the unofficial Chairmen of the Food & Fund Drive for 2025 & beyond. Jack is willing to train & still support the next brother to carry the torch.

Also, on Saturday September 14th we have our 2nd Annual Winneconne Masonic 5K Walk/Run.  The race starts at 10:00 A.M. You can register at the event between 7:45 A.M. & 9:45 A.M. You can also register online at our home page. you do not have to login to register. Click the "Links" tab & then click the blue link labeled "RACE INFORMATION" (DO NOT USE the "Register HERE" link, it is not active). Registration is only $ 25.00. Remember, you do not have to be a runner to participate, walkers are welcome. If you don't want to or you can't participate but would like to donate you can still register or be a sponsor as well.

And one more event for September 14th; just like last year, we are holding our annual picnic in the Large Pavilion at Marble Park. We are asking each family that attends to bring a dish to pass. The start time is Noon right after the 5K Walk/Run. Millie Kreager has once again graciously offered to call all of you to see if you will be attending & to discuss what you will be bringing. Please attend if you can.

Both of our meetings in September, as of now, are scheduled to be “Regular Stated Meetings”.

Going into October my goal is to host a “Charity Night” at one of our October meetings. I would like to host this event at our first meeting of the month which is Tuesday October 8th. This will be a public meeting where we will invite the volunteers & board members of the Winneconne Food Pantry & major donators from the Food & Fund Drive. I would also like to have a short presentation on Masonry & what our lodge does in our community. This will be a very similar program to our scholarship night.

As we head into November our first meeting of November is traditionally our annual election of officers. As mentioned at our last meeting we need to start thinking about our 2025 Officers. If you haven’t been an officer before, now is a great time to start. We have a lot of active lodge veterans that have served multiple officer positions for many years & these brethren are yearning for some new faces in our officer positions. These same brethren would love the opportunity to help & support new officers. This leads into my next topic. Another good way to have new officers is to bolster our membership. Please remember that we need new members. We have lost many brother masons over the last year & we haven’t raised a new mason in over a year now, combine that with the brethren that aren’t active & our lodge is suffering. Your lodge needs you. Please help!

Thank you, your brother,

Nate Ihrig