Baraboo High School Madrigal Dinner 01/25 and 26/2025
Baraboo #0034 19 days ago

Baraboo High School Madrigal Dinner 01/25 and 26/2025. Held at Baraboo Lodge #34 Banquet Hall. Mrs. James and The BHS Chamber Choir and Treble Choir hosted Madrigal Dinners on January 25th and 26th.  120 people attended, including family members and community members.  The Driftless Brass Quintet led by Mr. James and a Recorder Consort led by Sue Lappin provided music throughout the evening, and the choirs sang and danced in the Renaissance style to entertain the guests. Dinner was catered by the Broadway Diner, and a wonderful time was had by all.  Huzzah!