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Masonic Thought for 1/17/24
Dells #0124 25 days ago

"What are doing?" a man asked three labourers beside a building under construction. The first man replied, "Stone cuttin." The second smiled. "Putting in time until a better job comes along." The third man waited a moment and then said simply, "I'm building a cathedral."


It is true that, with all the important things in life, we get out of them what we put in. Freemasonary is no exception. Our most mundane chores can be exalted to the level of Spirituality if we approach them in the right frame of mind. In the same way, our highest aspirations can be brought low if we bring a grudging spirit to the attaining of them. We must all become involved in drudgery to survive in this modern world of ours, but never forget that, with the right attitude, a well-ironed sock or shirt is as fulfilling an accomplishment as a difficult piece of ritual well delivered or a good deed unselfishly done.

Taken from "365 Level Steps"