2024 Schoalrship Night
2024 Schoalrship Night
HUHS (Hartford Union High School) schoalrship recipients and families came to the open Lodge #120 meeting 6-11-2024 to share their aspirations and express their gratitude for being chosen as recipients.
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Lodge Officers with scholarship recipients
Audrey Labuda, saying thank you and sharing goals.
Denison Penndragon receiving scholarship certificate from Secretary Carl Hoy
Lindsey Radermacher receiving schoalrship certificate from Secretary Carl Hoy
Joshua Knapp receiving scholarship certificate from Secretary Carl Hoy
Audrey Labuda receiving scholarship certifcate from Secretary Carl hoy
Celebratory dessert, with side decorations of the HUHS Robotics Team 1091 (sponsored by the Masons of Lodge #120), and the Masonic square and compasses.