Hays Initiates 2 new Brothers
James M Hays #0331 4 months ago

Hays put on an award winning Entered Apprentice degree on Monday and welcomed in two new brothers into our Lodge.  Exemplifying what Freemasons can do, the Hays Boys presented all the lectures and the degree.  We welcomed in new brothers Darryl Brown and Jesus Xopin.  The memory work was amazing.  Brother Charles Desjarlais did an outstanding Charge lecture and Brother Jonas Wittke delivered a flawless picture lecture. Brother Norm Siegel nailed the Junior Deacons address and making his debut as a principle officer, Brother Karl Cleppe stepped up to the position of Junior Warden.  Several brothers from Lincoln Lodge as well as West Allis Lodge, each bringing an FC from their respective lodges, joined us for the festivities. One of the visiting FC's, enamored by our work, fellowship and sense of brotherhood even asked if he could plural into the lodge.  "All good things in time brother" remarked Secretary Jim McGuigan.  Worshipful Master John Pettigrew remarked that Hays is now known for our traveling but added, "and now we're going to be known for our ritual work". He remarked to District Education Officer Napoleon Sneed-Janczak, an Honorary member of Hays Lodge, "we are happy to put on an Entered Apprentice Degree for the upcoming Masonic Day of Light" if you're interested.