2019 Landmark Awards Program

2019 Landmark Awards Program

Recognition for lodge members

18 Photos

2020 Officer Team
2020 Officer Team with installing officers
Dr. Jim McFarlen giving the apron presentation to our newest Master Mason Logan Davis
Earl Gunderson, District Deputy Grand Master, giving the bible presentation to our newest Master Mason Logan Davis
Outgoing WM Adrian Davis & new WM William Beetcher presented Mary Norgard the widows pin and the 65 year certificate for her late husband Duane Norgard, a brother of the lodge who recently passed away
WM Adrian E Davis Davis presented Pete Peter Berklund with his 30 year certificate.
WM Adrian E Davis presented John " Jack Shaleen" with the outstanding new member award.
WM Adrian E Davis presented Klaus Nieder with the Brotherly Love Award, for all he does for the lodge and community.
WM Adrian E Davis presents the Education Presentation of the year to Wayne Pearce for the educational presentations he has given to the lodge.
WM Adrian E Davis presents Jerry Larsen with the Mason of the year award for the lodge.
WM Adrian and Logan Davis present Dennis Brown with a past masters apron, having been a Past Master of the old St. Croix Lodge and the combined Osceola - St. Croix Lodge and not having received one.
Installing Marshal Frank During, Area Administrator escorting the new JW Greg Heine to the alter.
Jeanie a long time friend of JW Greg Heine put on the jewel of his office.
JS Manolin Gonlazez had his jewel of his office placed on him by his granddaughter.
Outgoing WM Adrian E Davis an Logan Davis with D.DGM Earl Gunderson and Dr. Jim McFarlen who presented Logan with his apron and bible
New WM William Beetcher with the cake commemorating the new officers
Logan Davis was given a birthday cake and treated to a chorus of Happy Birthday.
We were all treated with some music before the lunch today.