Brother Arthur (Art) Rettschlag Memorial
Dodge County #0072
30 days ago
Brother Arthur (Art) Rettschlag Memorial
Saturday at 1PM, Dodge County Lodge held a Memorial service for Br. ART.
He was well loved in the community and was a pillar of strength for Dodge County Lodge #72 Free & Accepted Masons .
The Lodge room was filled with standing room only.
After the Masonic Memorial everyone was invited for a lunch and cake. Prepared and served by Br. Robert Dolan.
As a Masonic Memorial service it was well received buy the family, friends and the community.
Br. Art was a 60+ Mason.
Raised 11/30/1964
Born 6/28/1942
Deased 12/30/2024
Age 82
He will be missed by all who knew him.