Breaking news for Rock River Lodge!We were asked if our lodge room could be rented out. The Royal Arch Masons of Wisconsin created a new chapter and needed a place to meet.It was overwhelmingly ac...
Rock River Brothers love staying after a meeting to share stories and do bonding. Most members don't go home after the meeting, they stay to share past and future stories all the while tighten up ...
Congratulations Br. Robert Scharnell, on being a 51 year member. Raised 1/29/1973.Last night Bob was given his 50 Year Pin and Certificate.
Here are more pictures after installation.The last picture is PM Josh Prescher receiving his Past Master pin and Certificate. Congratulations Br. PM Josh on the great year at the Rock.
Two brothers were congratulated and given certificates, pins and cards for longevity In FreeMasonry. First picture WM Paul congratulates Br. PM John Christenson and gives him a certificate pin and ...
LOL PARTY or as some call it "Ladies Of the Lodge"The ladies had a great time, so much laughing, story telling, food and singing, plus cookie decorating and to top it off, it was the gifts.The lad...
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On December 14th, 3 of our Rock River brothers assisted as Installing Officers for the Fond du Lac Lodge #26 Open Installation. Rock River PM Sam Dixon conducted the ceremony as the Installing Wor...
HomeLodgesHelpThis website for Rock River #108 has moved to groupable|connect.Use your OLP username and password to log in to groupable|connect.Please view your group's page here.About groupable|co...
A few Good men installed. W.M. Dr. Paul Rubert and his officers are ready to tackle the 2025 Masonic year.WM Paul has a great line of officers to conquer anything that may be put before them.Front ...
Besides our installation of officers at Rock River Lodge you are invited to three other lodges to help celebrate installation of officers. All open ceremonies are EA & FC and ladies invited. Call ...
What a night Tuesday night was.The first stated meeting for our newly installed officers was a great start. A lot got accomplished. Then we went to eat and eat and I ate more. The Oyster stew was...
December 3rd, 2024 what a night.Rock River Officers are installed and ready to conquer 2025.The Rock has a great line of officers and you can expect a lot of good thing coming out for the next Maso...
2023 was a great year with Sam Dixon as our W.M. A lot got done at lodge and the brothers had tons of brotherhood. Lots of money was raised during the year too.2024 proved to be exceptional again ...
Live in our basement the Ukulele group are practicing. Secretary Don watches and enjoys the music
We needed some trees at corner of our lot to separate our yard from the neighbor. Plus we needed dirt next to the building to push the rain and runoff water away from the build so we don't have flo...