Mystic Tie Lodge #280 F & AM, which is located in Ladysmith Wi. received their charter in 1902, and the first Worshipful Master was W. S. Manning. The members met in various locations through the years, until 1931. On October 23rd 1931 the dedication of the new Masonic Temple took place, at the current location. The dedication was proceded by a parade at 4 pm, which was led by the Eau Claire Wi. Commandery Band. The band was followed by the drill teams of Eau Claire Wi. and Chippewa Falls Wi. masonic lodges.
A dinner was held at the Ladysmith Country Club at 5:30 pm, at $1.00 per plate. The dedication ceremonies took place at the temple that evening at 8 pm, and was conducted by the current Grand Lodge officers at that time.
The Bruce Lodge #316 F & AM, was originally started in 1917. Their members consolidated with Mystic Tie Lodge #280 in 1988.
The Cornell Lodge #321 F & AM first met on April 21st 1919, at Cohens Hall. Their members consolidated with Mystic Tie Lodge #280 effective September 28th 1995.